Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th!//Kansas r0xorz

He didn't wave. What a jerk.
Soooooooo, these are not roads.
Nice one, Walker. I've only gotten one flat so far, a super slow leaked that lost about 30 psi a day. Caused by a tiny little sharp rock. So much for flat free.
There are hills in Kansas?? WTF?

A not so flattering picture of Telula, Helen, and Becca.
4th fireworks, shot by the locals. There were no official fireworks in Pittsburg, KS.

But they did have a sweet street party. Lots of bad country music covers and some Will Smith rap!?!? It was fun, though, talking to all the locals. Many of them were quite befuddled when they learned that the girls were from this country. I was taking pics with my big camera, and some semi-wasted girls come up and are like "Oh my gosh, are you a proffessional photographer?" "No." "Oh my gosh, if we take off our shirts will you take a picture of our boobs?" "Ummmmmm, no." "Are you gay?" The funny thing is, that really happened.

The past couple days have been super sweet.
A few naysayers of my decision to ride East to West cited the fact that the winds would be blowing in my face the whole time over the planes. According to, the wind mostly comes out of the south. Well, for the past two days, it's been blowing SW or NW. What does that mean? Fast rolling, no wind in the ears, long miles, super fun.

We've covered 200 miles in the past 2 days.

Other great stuff:

  • Me knees feel a LOT better. I've been able to hammer away (with a little restraint) all day, without anything more than a hint of pain. I'd call it pressure. I hope it's due to the overtime stretching I been doing. I've also been giving em a little ice. No drugs, though

  • My butt feels a LOT better. Before the trip, plenty of friends insisted that Chamios Butt'R was freakin awesome. I quietly disagreed. My idea of freakin awesome has never been rubbing squishy cream on my ass and inner thighs. Turns out it's not squishy, it's a lot like moisturizing cream, and it is FREAKIN AWESOME. The chafing was becoming unbearable at the end of long rides. For the past two days, it's just been a little unconfortable towards the end. Plus I get to wierd people out by making a big deal of butt lubing time.

Peter Gabriel. In your eyes. Stuck in head. I hate you Aaron.

I must go! Library is kicking people out. Also must find rest of group. I'm ahead today!!
Uber-quick shout out to Mrs. Bishop! Linda told me you are my most dedicated fan! I'll be sending you an autographed Steven blow up doll right away!!!
Fare thee well,
Newton, Kansas


Anonymous said...

A&D ointment works just as well for ass sores as does other more expensive crap. Go to drugstore, to baby butt section and get some A&D cream.

laurendana said...

i beg to differ.
i am a pretty dedicated fan as well! you rock, steven- despite the very detailed roadkill explanations.

Anonymous said...

you are crazy.
i have now made that crazy lights pic my desktop background.