Monday, July 14, 2008

Rebel photos

Dunno if I ever mentioned, but I'm carrying 2 cameras. An old 1st gen Canon Rebel and a little SD1000 with dirt in the lens. These are my Rebel photos, I'll post the other ones in the next post just to confuse you.
Colorado springs sunset. Monarch Pass. I took another picture with a flash so you can see me better, by why on earth would I post that when I look like the biggest dork at 11,000 feet???? My point exactly.

Gunnison rodeo. If I had some extra cash, I woulda checked it out. But just riding around town was cool enough for me.

Colin and Halley!!! Crankkkk ittttt!!!!
The freezing morning ride totally took me by surprise. The Gunnison river valley was beautiful. I litterally gasped when I turned the corner and saw the thing. Blue Mesa Resevior, equally nuts. Plenty of pottys too!

I didn't thaw out till I reached the lake. But at this point, I was too freaked out by the valley to think about the cold. Of course this picture doesn't do it any justice.

MontaƱas!! I there's so many of them

Telluride is just around the corner.

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