Have I mentioned Im in Missouri? Have I mentioned I don't know the abbreviation?

We braved the mighty Mississssip, a really narrow scary bridge, 30 mph winds, and thats about it to get to the big M-whatever. You had to lean your bike into the wind, and then lean out just at the right time when you were passing a girder. The speeding commuters were a sweet bonus. Please observe the road leading into what used to be a field.

Home o Popeye. Chester.

Would you like a beer? What kind? Beer. No seriously, whats the name. It's just called Beer, well, Beer 30. Shut up. No really, I'm totally for serious. Seriously? Totally for cereal, dude. Wow.

Look! A pretty spring! 81 million gallons a day. Thats nuts.

Don't worry, the spoke in your derailure helps with shifting.

We all thought Shawn was a genius for taking advantage of the passing thunderstorm to wash his nether regions. He quickly learned that roofing tar does not help with chafing.

The route took us on some roads that were under construction- tons of gravel. The speeding cars and construction trucks threw up TONS of dust. It was mighty scary on the downhills too, little banks of gravel popping up to throw you off. And it was super fun with all this stuff happening with a roaring engine on your back.
The dust got my throat really dry, so I went to take a gulp of water, and a freakin giant bug flew straight into my mouth along with the water. I spit it out everywhere and half laughed, half gagged for about a minute. Then I took this picture and climbed a monster hill.

Post rain windy road. Hit 43 mph on the hill before. The guys ahead hit 48.


Today was a very hard ride for me. After 10 days without a rest day, the chafing is becoming a bit severe, my left knee is killing me, and the heat didn't help. Plus I got a sweet stabbing stomach ache of pure nastiness when I tried to go too long without eating, and it's still sticking with me (I gotta go lay down for it to go away). We are resting on the 4th, however, and I'm wery excited.
I wasn't too busy suffering to enjoy the scenery however, and I was able to help this little guy cross the road.

Guess whoooooo. Even my shadow looks dorky. Oh well.
Ash grove tonight.
Bendavis last night. (thanks random gas station guy!)
Emimence was Beer30 night.
Chester was Popeye night.
Now I go wash road grime off meself in the library baƱo. Oh yeah, and find people. We got split up (and by that, I mean, I was super slow), and nobody's answering cell phones. Thanks guysssss.
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