Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More bloody pics

Sorry, they're a bit outa order.

That's a little of it. They hosed off the rest 'fore I could get a pic.Thank you Helen. I don't think me rubbing his hand while they poked him with a bunch of IVs and syringes would have had quite the same effect.
Hey Ma...
Thank you John!! Volunteer ambulance driver. Great guy, free ride.
Okay, out of order, I guess I did get a pic.
Thumbs up. Johnathan's a trooper.
Into the machine.

For future and past reference, this system doesn't do the best job with formatting, and it's a pain to upload pics. So sorry if it dont' look purty, blame Mr. Google.
Gotta run. Going back in time again today. Colorado maybe?
08-09-08, 12:10, I guess they're nice at this Lib.
Leoti, KS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woah! what a situation.