Thank you John. We are cheaters.

Deer in the middle of Colorado Springs

Hey it's Tim!!

Velodrome. The racers were all business, no smiles. Racing's work, doncha know!!

I had no idea Colorado looked like this. I was stunned. I coulda sworn I got a better picture. I SAW A BUTTE!!!! Well, not a real one, but a poser Colorado butte. You have no idea how excited I was.

Prison. After I took this photo, I saw three inmates riding on a golf-cart-thingy, one of em waving at me. So I waved back. Then the other two waved, and so I grinned and gave them a thumbs up. I don't know why I did that. I don't think you're supposed to give incarcerated criminals grins or thumbs ups. I'm pretty sure they're going to punch the first cyclist they see when they get out.

I've seen a lot of these lately. Backroom of the grocery store, in search of toilet.

Lotsa rocks.

Blue Mesa Reservior

Bikes at the Grocery in Gunnison. There were more before, I swear.

Got rained on for 30 miles today. A bit harrowing. Take all those situations I ranted about and add water. It was still fun.

Before the deluge. Lightening. Over the hill, before it started raining, I was really sleepy as I coasted down. Kinda scary when you're nodding off going 35 mph. Rain woke me up.

Sky. His bike makes me SICK. More on that later.
Cut short on time. Again. Now to explore town. Fare thee well.
1 comment:
Ive been keeping up with your travels. Thanks for all the posts. Your entertaining me every day as I get into work and spend the first hour checkin emails, reading core77, yanko, engadget and your BLOG! Stay safe homey and oh yea! Happy B Day! Peace pimp.
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