Saturday, June 7, 2008

Spidaman and Sandal Tan

I sat down at the kiddie corner in the Ashland library to peacfully play trains, when this kid comes over and rocks my socks off. I think he's being spidaman right now. He asked me if I wanted to come over for a playdate. He then asked me if I had kids.

This dog was at fisherman dude's house. Apparently he was a stray. He was huge. He terrorized a few people's tents, ate our hamburgers. Turns out he just wanted to be pet. However, after petting him, he fell in love with us. When Walked clipped in to ride away, dog ran up and literally whacked him in the balls. Walker wimpered for a good 2 minutes while I tried to ride away myself. The dog was so sad to see us go that he tried to corner us in the driveway, almost got whacked by a couple cars, ignored our shouts and fists, and followed us about a mile down the road until we could shake him. It was sad. He just wanted some love.

Tractor=bike rack.
Whoa sandal tan man.
Dudeman fisherman's son worked for Budweiser. Walker is not drinking a Budweiser. Anne is drawing a pretty picture for dudeman's daughter. CHARLIE BROWN WAS OUT OF HIS MIND. More on Charles later. I drew a big house for dudeman's daugher. I wish I coulda drawn a little housie.
We stayed at a frat house last night. Epsi Capsilon Fiza. Zoe knew a guy. Obviously. Walking back to the house after dinner, I saw a fence atop the mansion (it was seriously a mansion). We found the trapdoor, and discovered the most bearable place in the AC-less chateau was the roof.
Zoe left us. Why did you leave us Zoe???? She had to grad school. Pity the Zoe. I'm not sure if I'm spelling Zoe right. But seriously Zoe, we gonna miss you.
The speed demons on the dream ride. This ride occurred a couple days ago. It was seriously beautiful. Perfect temperature, quite country roads, fast hills, good times.

The final stretch to Charlottesville, VA ended up being a bit of a death march. We met a guy with the Adventure Cycling map that we needed (the only one we didn't have- it got lost) and I took some photos of them. I talked to him for a lil while. He was riding from Iowa solo, and was getting a bit lonely I think. He was nearly to his final destination of Richmond, and he had some gggggnarly sandal tan. GNARLY. He suggested that we take Route 22 instead of what the maps said. I said, lets follow the maps. I guess a lot of people disagreed.

We ended up on some nightmare of a little two lane (OH SPEAKING OF WHICH, more on that later (near death experiences, threats of vengeance, all to come)) A couple of us decided to try to make our way back to the bike route. All we had were the silly maps on me camera, and a tourism map of all of VA (not detailed). We ended up getting a bit lost, getting some crappy directions, turning onto another busy road, getting more crappy directions, and riding into town boiling, hungry, and tired as aw hail. We thought the other group was way ahead, but turns out they had a little fun on 22, as well: they had to wait for an 18 wheeler accident to get cleared up- 30 minutes baking on le side of the road because the cops wouldnt let em by.

So, lesson of the day:
  1. follow the dagum bike route
  2. never trust people's directions. NEVER. NEVER EVER EVER. Geeze. Well maybe sometimes, but almost never. People don't know what it's like on a bike.
Other lessons to follow:

  1. How not to spend $80 buying stuff you already have
  2. How to deal with a nasty, nasty situation
  3. What happens when you 'kinda' run a red light on a busy back road (bad stuff)
  4. How to lose your baggage on Amtrak
  5. How to stay less-than-sticky on a low budget bike trip
Today is a rest day. We're doing 20 miles tonight. Tomorrow, the mountains. Oh goody.


katlynadair said...

dear god. is that YOUR foot?

you're going to have enviable farmer's tan. :)

Steven said...

that is not my foot. the caption clearly states that it belongs to Sandal Tan Man