Monday, June 16, 2008

Too much for one post

Walked and I sat down to a game of chess while devouring 1.5 quarts of chocolate ice cream. He destroyed me. Cool.
Hostel wall-o-rules, in case you were curious. I took a book entitled "Can Man Live Without God" from their pile-o-books-you-can-take. I was later informed that it might have just been a pile-0-books. I dunno.
WHOLY CRAP. It's arm guy, in KY!! 100 miles or so from where we saw him in VA.
Tasty KY treat. Peanut butter rolled in icing. Apparently KY is one of the most obese states in the USA. I blame this thing.

Sorry for the out-of-orderness. This blogger thing is a pain in the butt to reorder photos with. KY cliffs+Johnathan. I thought his name was John, and nobody corrected me, and I just found out a few days ago I was wrong. I really didn't figure him for a John. He called himself John the other day. I win.

Unbridled is one way of putting it. Hey purty lady. (Bike)
Aaron didn't want to go hide behind something while he took his lycra off, so he just did it with his pants on. I still have no idea how this is physically possible. There was lots of grunting involved.

Billy took a different approach.

Curry for dinner, cockroaches for dessert.

Sooooo, I'm sitting in the library away from everyone else because this was the only available computer, and I look over and everyone is gone, so I think I'm going to run now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the progress - adventures by Steven! Good stuff. Looks like some fun times and great people for the most part. Stay safe and watch the knees. Keep 'em coming, Steven! Hello to Anne. Thinking about you guys.