Well, it's 4:51, and I'm not quite done getting my stuff together. I've been stressing my face off since 6 am this morning, though work at the Spin Cycle provided a nice (semi-not-really) break. This is most of the stuff I'm taking, all laid out next to the pannier it's going in:

I've recieved SOOOOOOO much help from so many people, I really can't thank everyone nearly enough. I am eternally at your service. Steve and Lee stayed up till 3:30 to give me a hand- mostly in the form of moral support.

But needless to say, I'm a little more tired than I'd like to be. I just gotta fill up my iPod with nothing but Ace of Base, post my motorcycle on craiglist (I'm suddenly poor, you know you want it), and pack the rest of my life for the next 2 months in the back of a car, and cart it to the train station.
9:00am and I'm gone to DC and we (a bunch o people from State I met randomly) are riding in a general Westerly direction). Along the way, we will be promoting awareness of the plight of Zimbabwe in hopes of generating funds for relief. Checkoot ride2008.com for details.
I hope to answer these questions and MORE in the coming months:
-how the heck you gonna eat?
-what you are going to do about them Rockies? with 90 pounds of bike and gear?
-which is hotter: Grand Canyon or Yosemite?
-where the heck you gonna sleep?
-how bad are you going to stink?
-is everybody right when they call you crazy for 'riding against the prevailing winds' for 3500 miles?
-is you really going to be enjoying yourself after 2 months
-will Ace of Base's "I saw the sign" ever get old, even after 2 months of it?
I'm really quite bad off right now, so I'll end this by thanking everyone again. I'm so lucky to have such great people by my side.
We'll talk soon. In the meantime, ride and smile.

1 comment:
yous crazy man.
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