Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hazard is Hazardous

In case I didn't mention it, the Appalachains are supposed to be harder than the Rockies because of the ridiculously steep stuff. The Rockies are a lot taller, but a lot more gradual. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Uncle Mark :)

This steep stuff is murder on the knees. I've been taking it easy for the past couple of days, but I get some nasty pain if I push myself, like I did just now. It's incredibly frustrating being in good shape, yet held back by weak knees. I got pain like this a couple years back. The orthopedist I went to see was completely useless, but stretching ended up fixing it. Problem is, we've all been stretching nonstop, so I'm not sure what more I can do, other than take it easy.

Also, I discovered this morning that I got me some poison ivy. On le legs and a little on my right arm. Last time I got it was 4 years ago, and it sucked, massively. We'll see how it goes this time. What's really troublesome is that I've been real careful, and I don't know where I got it from.

One other exciting note: Kentucky still sucks. Today, we went through my least favorite part of the entire United States of America, thus far. Hazard, KY (as in Dukes of Hazard) can suck it. Seriously, it was disgusting. Up until this point, I've been taking pictures of stuff to remember how nice it is. Today, I took pictures to remember how horrendous it was.

We started today's 65 miles with a beautiful ride through some green backroads in some 65 degree weather. Very fast, very fun. Then the roads just got nastier and nastier. We ended up on a 4 lane highway with huge medians strewn with rock, coal, glass, and bits of motor vehicles. The coal trucks were huge, loud, and incredibly intimidating as they bore down on you. They almost never moved to the inner lane, and for some reason, they had a ridiculous vortex following them that pushed you out, then sucked you back towards the road.
The road narrowed, and we were forced onto the rumble strips every time a truck started roaring behind us. Anne was right in front of me when we heard screeching tires right behind us and BOOM, the library is closing right now, and we's gotsta go,
Booneville, KY

OMG, Linda said hey!!! OMG!! Imo call you K??


laurendana said...

i just spent like an hour reading your whole blog. you update more than i EVER did. it makes me happy that you are having so much fun. your pictures so far have been BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS even. PLEASE be careful! dont you make me worry now, ya hear?
have the time of your life.
stay safe.
much love,

Anonymous said...

The updates are great. I thank your Dad for the map. It really helps a person that needs "visual" guidance. I hope those knees of yours start feeling better. Spinning always helps my "old" knees so use those low gears if you have enough. Cindy

katlynadair said...

for some reason this made me think of you:


i'm glad you're still alive. i kind of miss arguing with you.

kind of.

Anonymous said...

Steven V., what a great/memorable time you are having. Sorry that Emily and I will not hook up with you. We've headed NORTH! http://wherespappas.blogspot.com/ We started to head out your way but then thought about going to Canada (which we did't do). We left on Tuesday morning.
I am so happy for you guys. What a great experiance you will have to talk about. Please be carefull! Remember to stop from time to time and really focus on what you are experiancing. It's the experiances that count!